Industry News
Does Screening for Alcohol and Drug Use Sabotage Sober Living? Here's What the Research Suggests
Up until recently, our knowledge about the effectiveness of screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) interventions has been fairly limited. In the first well-controlled multi-site randomized control trials conducted by the Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) they evaluated the efficacy of SBIRT vs Health Education (HI) in reducing both alcohol and other drug use in mental health treatment settings. The research trial contained a total of 718 participants split be
May 18th 2021
Prevalence of Kratom Use in the United States, and What It Says About the Future
Over the years, kratom has been portrayed as a potential harm reduction agent because of it's properties containing the mu opioid receptor and many other compounds. Kratom is widely available and has been used as a home remedy for opioid use disorder. However the extent of kratom use in the United States has remained unclear until a recent study published by the Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA).In the study, containing over 59k respondents, 490 respondents indicated having used krat
May 13th 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sober Scientific Acquires Sober Assist and Expands Outreach Program
With the acquisition of Sober Assist LLC, customers and client partners of Sober Scientific will benefit from an expansion of the company's outreach program. We are thrilled to have this opportunity and develop a more hands-on approach to creating sustainable sobriety. Our mission is to make sobriety easy, and that requires accountability and support. With this acquisition it will help merge our two guiding principles together and create a clear path to recovery.To read the official full ve
Apr 13th 2021
Number of Positive Drug Tests Among U.S. Employees Highest in 16 years
The greatest overall jump in drug positivity rates for 2019 involved marijuana (THC), but significant jumps were also recorded for methamphetamine and occurred largely throughout the Midwest over the last 5 years. Positive drug test rates for cocaine increased as well in the Midwest and West, according to Quest Labs. A key takeaway from this data is that employers should be more diligent than ever about preserving workplace safety and general employee health. Positive Drug Tests Highest in
Feb 11th 2021
SAMHSA Memo: The 2021 Federal Drug-Free Workplace Program remains unchanged despite new State marijuana laws
In a short memo released back on November 9th, 2020 to the Federal Agency Drug Program Coordinators, Partners and Medical Review Officers confirms that there have been no changes to the drug testing panel under the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Program (DFWP), this is despite several States making changes to their drug laws during this past years election. These States include, Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota which have legalized the use of recreational marijuana while 15 other Stat
Jan 24th 2021